

Refer to this post for making changes to your jekyll site.



The theme is built using TailwindCSS. Customizing the theme to your needs can be done without touching any CSS file. It also has a Purge on build. This way you will be using only the styles that you need.

Lightning Speed


Super Performance, SEO, and Accessibility

Lighthouse Test


Display beautiful math equations using mathjax. This feature can be disabled for performance.

\[\frac{\sqrt{a^2+b^2}}{ \cos^{-1}\theta \sin^{-1}\theta }\]


The theme includes integrated Disqus comments. This can be disabled if needed.


Once you extract the theme zip file, run the following commands.

  • npm install

  • bundle install

  • npm run dev for testing the site locally.

  • npm run build

This will build the HTML site in /public directory. This can be hosted anywhere. Either on conventional hosting or on a static hosting service.

You easily host it as pages using GitHub, Gitlab etc.

In most cases, it is drag-drop upload.


The theme uses a centralized data from where you can make almost all the changes to the entire site.

The files that are responsible for the information shown on the website reside in _data directory as shown below.

├── \_data
| ├── settings.yml
| └── sidebar.yml
| └── about.yml
| └── skills.yml
| └── services.yml

An example of sidebar.yml is shown below

name: John Owens
image: /path/to/image.img
  - Teacher
  - Freelancer
  - Blogger
  - Programmer

  - title: LinkedIn
    link: "#"
    icon: fa-linkedin

  - title: Facebook
    link: "#"
    icon: fa-facebook-square

  - title: Twitter
    link: "#"
    icon: fa-twitter-square

  - title: Github
    link: "#"
    icon: fa-github-square

  - title: StackOverflow
    link: "#"
    icon: fa-stack-overflow

  - title: Download CV
    link: "#/path/to/pdf"

  - title: Contact me

The above file is responsible for all the elements in the sidebar. Changing it would reflect in the site.

Color schemes

You can choose from more than 50 color schemes from tailwind colors. You can change the color scheme in _data/settings.yml as shown below.

color-scheme: blue-500

Contact form

The theme provides a built-in contact form. You will have to add one line in _data/settings.yml to make it work.

Get an account from Go to integration. Copy the endpoint which would look like this and put it in settings.yml as shown below



Skills can be updated through a file in _data/skills.yml. Here is how it would look like.

- name: HTML
  skillLevel: 90
  color: "text-red-400"

- name: CSS
  skillLevel: 80
  color: "text-green-400"

- name: JavaScript
  skillLevel: 60
  color: "text-yellow-400"

- name: Python
  skillLevel: 70
  color: "text-indigo-400"

- name: Photoshop
  skillLevel: 70
  color: "text-blue-400"

- name: Svelte
  skillLevel: 50
  color: "text-red-400"

You can choose any tailwind class.

All sections in the website have a file in _data directory which can be updated.


You can add new projects or works in _works directory. You can have markdown files in here just like blog posts. The index of all works/projects can be found at /works/.

Blog Posts

You can add blog posts in _posts directory. The index of all the blog posts can be found at /blog/.


Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv

Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv

Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv

Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv

Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv

Figs Jekyll Theme online resume cv